Monday, April 15, 2013

Sante Pure Barley Capsules 

(Sante Barley Pure NZ)

What Sante Barley Capsules (Santé Barley Pure NZ) can do:

Powerful antioxidant
Reduce the risk of cancer - fight cancer
Contains soluble and insoluble fiber for weight management
Lowers blood pressure
Reduces risk of heart disease
Powerful Detoxifier
Lowers Cholesterol level
Great source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids
Rich in Chlorophyll (improves oxygenation, antimutagenic and anti-cancer properties, repairs damage to cells and tissue)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Nature's Blend B Complex 

100 Capsules


B vitamins help maintain proper brain function as well as the health of nerves, skin, hair, eyes, liver and mouth. They also help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Because the B vitamins work together, a deficiency in one vitamin often indicates a deficiency in another. The B vitamins work as a team to help with general overall health. The B vitamins should be taken together, which is easily accomplished by taking a B-complex supplement.

NATURE Z-C Vitamin C Calcium Ascorbate
with Moring forte, Soy Science and ZINC the Non-Sodium and Non-Acidic Vitamin C

Helath Benefits

Calcium Ascorbate is natural form of Vitamin C, wich is much more readily absorbed in the blood stream and is better than Sodium ascorbate as a source of Ascorbic acid because sodium often raise blood pressure.
Advantages:Calcium Ascorbate is a neutral salt and not acid, therefore, more people can take larger amounts without acid upset or diarrhea. Equally important is that Calcium Ascorbate replenishes the calcium that is excreted in the urine due to the chelating properties of Vitamin C.
Zinc is a mineral that is vital to many biological functions such as immune resistance, wound healing, digestion, reproduction, physical growth, diabetes control, taste and smell. The main biochemicals in which zinc has been found to be necessary include: enzymes and enzymatic function, carbohydrate metabolism and protein synthesis. More than 300 enzymes in the human body require zinc for proper functioning. It is estimated that 3000 of the 100,000 or so proteins involved in human life contain zinc. Many cells secrete zinc, including the pancreas (which also secretes insulin), the salivary gland, and the prostate gland. Immune cells also secrete zinc. Zinc is an important mineral which is essential for protein synthesis and which helps to regulate the production of cells in the body’s immune system.
Moringa is a significant source of BETA CAROTINE, PROTEIN, IRON and POTASSIUM. The tree is in full leaf at the end of the dry season when other foods are typically scarce. Moringa leaves contain more Vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more Vitamin C than oranges, and more potassium than bananas, and that the protein quality of Moringa leaves rivals that of milk and eggs. The nutritional properties of Moringa are now so well known that there seems to be little doubt of the substantial health benefit to be realized by consumption of Moringa leaf powder in situations where starvation is imminent. Moringa tree supplies us with Moringa Leaves, Moringa Fruits, Moringa flowers, Moringa seeds, Moringa Oil which are health beneficiary.

Activated Charcoal

Benefits of Activated Charcoal

"Charcoal is without a rival as an agent for cleansing and assisting the healing of the body. The grains of charcoal have many crevices and corners for the absorption of materials, gases, foreign proteins, body wastes, chemicals and drugs of various kinds making it a powerful assistant for the cleansing apparatus of the body. ... The uses of charcoal are almost as universal as those of water." (Thrash, Agathy Moody, M.D. and Thrash, Calvin, M.D. Home Remedies Hydrotherapy, Massage, Charcoal and Other Simple Treatments. 1981. Thrash Publications, Seale AB. 174p)

Adsorbs poisons "Charcoal is the most valuable single agent currently available for treating poisonings." (Clinical Toxicology 3(1):1-4 March 1970)
More effective than the standard medicine-chest-item Syrup of Ipecac. This syrup - itself a poison - was found in one study (Robertson, W.O. 1962. Syrup of ipecac: A fast or slow emetic? Amer. J. Dis. Child. 103:136) of 250 patients given a 20 ml dose to take on average of 19 minutes to induce vomiting. And even then the average recovery of stomach contents can be only 27% in ipecac-induced vomiting (Corby, D.G., Fiser, R.H. and Decker, W.J. 1970. Clinical comparison of pharmacological emetics in children. Pediatrics 42:361)
The recommended dosage is an 8:1 ratio of charcoal to drug or poison that is to be adsorbed. (Cooney, David. 1995 Activated Charcoal Antidote, Remedy and Health Aid. TEACH Services Inc. Brushton, NY)
Charcoal should be administered as soon as possible after ingestion of a poison/drug.

Adsorbs bacteria, viruses etc. It will even adsorb anthrax (Cooney, David. 1995 Activated Charcoal Antidote, Remedy and Health Aid. TEACH Services Inc. Brushton, NY)
One study showed that bacterial adsorption by wound dressings made of an activated charcoal cloth helped cleanse infected wounds. (Beckett, R. Coombs, T.J., Frost, M.R., McLeish, J. and Thompson, K. 1980. Charcoal cloth and malodorous wounds. Lancet, September13, 594)
In vitro experiments showed bacterial counts decreased by 1000 to 100,000 fold. Many types of bacteria are adsorbed. In some other cases the benefits observed are likely from the adsorption of the toxins or enzymes produced by the bacteria. (Tsuchiya, T., and Levy, G. 1972. Drug adsorption efficacy of commercial activated charcoal tablets in vitro and in vivo. J. Pharm. Sci. 61:624)

Adsorbs intestinal gas Studies have shown that charcoal can keep intestinal gas production at normal levels even after consumption of a high gas-producing meal. (Hall, R.G., Jr., Thompson, E. and Strother, A. 1981. Effects of orally administered activated charcoal on intestinal gas. Am. J. Gastroenterol. 75:192)

Insect bites and stings and snake bites can be alleviated using a poultice of charcoal and water or charcoal, water and ground flax seed. It often brings relief in a short time.

Brown recluse spider Charcoal is the treatment of choice for these serious bites and for which there is no other treatment.

Lowers Cholesterol Scientific research has found that "two tablespoons (8g) of activated charcoal taken three times a day for four weeks, can lower total cholesterol 25%, lower LDL cholesterol 41%, and double the HDL/LDL (high-density lipoprotein/low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol ratio. (P. Kuusisto, et al., Effect of activated charcoal on hypercholesterolemia, The Lancet, 16: 366-67, August 1986)

Lengthens lifespan? Most people think of poisoning as a single event but many people are poisoned in tiny daily doses that still kill them prematurely. The body deals with waste products from digestion and metabolism daily and with our increasingly toxic world our detoxification mechanisms can use some extra help to keep us from a premature death.
One study reported a prolonging of lifespan in rats by 34% as compared to controls. Since charcoal can adsorb toxic metabolites in the intestinal tract this mechanism could potentially remove some of such toxic substances from a person's system. The same study noted a decrease in age-related metabolic changes including decreases in blood cholesterol and triglycerides. (Frolkis, V.V. et al. 1984. Enterosorption in prolonging old animal lifespan. Exp. Gerontol. 19:217)

"Detoxification is an on-going biological process that prevents toxins (from infectious agents, food, air, water and substances that contact the skin) from destroying health. Chronic exposure to toxins produces cellular damage, diverse diseases, allergic like reactions, compromised immunity and premature aging." (Kaufman, Richard C., PhD, The Universal Antidote and Detoxifier that Extends Life: Activated Charcoal, Journal of the MegaHealth Society, July 1989) He recommends regular use to help protect from toxins.


30 caps, Bio-Active Collagen Complex Hydrolysat, 400mg

Reduces joint pains, regenerate cartilage and ligaments and increases muscle tone.

Benefits of Genacol

Helps the body reverse cartilage damage
Addresses the pain associated with arthritis
Assists in increased mobility and range of motion
Is a safe, natural ingredient that's recommended by doctors world-wide.
Daily use of Genacol has been shown to reduce pain in joints from injury, strain or collagen deficiency related diseases such as arthritis, osteoarthritis and bursitis, and other degenerative diseases such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.
Two conditions that show the greatest response to a collagen supplement are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.  If you experience any of the symptoms associated with these conditions, Genacol will help.  If you lack mobility in your hands, arms, shoulders, hips, knees or other joints, or if you experience joint pain or inflammation, then Genacol is for you.
There are no side effects associated with Genacol (though it is recommended children under 12, pregnant and lactating women not use Genacol or other collagen products).

Fastum Gel


Local treatment of painful disorders of the osteo-articular & muscular system of rheumatic or traumatic origin: contusions, distortions, muscle strains, stiff nec lumbago.

Kirkland Vitamin C 

1000 mg
500 tablets

Health Benefits

Vitamin C enhances the immune system and protects the body's cells from potential oxidative damage. Vitamin C also helps build healthy teeth, gums, and bones. Bioflavonoids assist in the body's absorption of Vitamin C.† Rose Hips are a natural source of Vitamin C.

Kirkland Vitamin E-400 I. U.

500 softgels

Health Benefits

Vitamin E is our body’s first line of defense against the damage of free radicals. It plays a vital role in keeping our skin healthy and glowing because it prevents free radicals from causing dry, dull, wrinkled skin. It promotes cell and tissue renewal. It help improves our stamina to keep us on the go the whole day. It has shown to help keep the different body organs such as the heart, muscles, lungs and liver in top shape, maintaining a healthy immune system, and improving nerve functions.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Alaska Premium Deep Sea Salmon Fish Oil

100 softgels

Health Benefits

Salmon Oil has natural Source of EPA and DHA, these are the bioogically Active Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

An adequate daily intake of fish oils, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), is associated with a wealth of health benefits including decreased risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, improvement in rheumatoid arthritis, prevention of macular degeneration, and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. There is also evidence that fish oil consumption is beneficial for patients with depression, schizophrenia, and Parkinson's disease. Finally, several studies have confirmed that fish oils, especially DHA, are essential for optimum development of an infant's brain and visual acuity.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


orange and lemon flavor

Health Benefits

Recovery from fatigue
Stabilizing brain function
Blood purification
Increasing metabolism
Strengthening the immune system
Balancing the nervous system
Promoting better digestion
Cell rejuvenation
Dilate blood vessel
Stabilize Blood Pressure (BP)
Increase blood alkalinity
Strengthen bones
Increase nitrogen in urine
Make breathing easier
Stabilize pulse rate
Enhance heart function
Speed physical recovery
Promotes calm and relax nerves
Promotes healthy growth

Alaska Garlic Oil 


200 softgels
500 softgels

Health Benefits of Alaska Garlic Oil

Significantly reduce blood lipid as well as blood pressure prevents , fighting Infection, and enhancing immune function and are non-FDA reviewed or approved, natural alternatives, to use for Heart Disease (cardio vascular diseases), and Cold & Flu.